Off-centre | The Kashmir Files: A story of India that the world needs to see
The Kashmir Files almost made me cry. I say almost because to cry would have been all too easy. Not to cry required effort. It was an act of conscious restraint when faced with the enormity of suffering. All communities all over the world have suffered. That is what makes us equal. And human. But some, it would seem, have been marked especially for suffering. They are God’s chosen, in that sense. The Jewish people suffered one of the worst genocides recorded in human history in the most violent century in human memory, the twentieth. They were sought to be exterminated or deported en masse for no other fault other than the fact that they were Jews. The world knows their tragedy as the Holocaust. With a capital “H”. Their entire tradition is based on remembering. Remembering who they are. The people with a special covenant with God. The chosen ones. Why, then, were they singled out for slaughter? For no fault of theirs. When they were peaceful and peace-loving? Was it a just God who a